
Monday, January 10, 2011

Can we just get down to business here...

Well Phooey ~ and pooie - first of all this entry may not be for everyone I will try not to be so graphic but then again I want to be graphic enough for those who are going through the same thing, or thinking about it - so there will be some poo talk in this posting. Feel free to click that little X up there in the corner if this is going to be bothersome.

Weighed in today and some how I gained 2.2 lbs... whimper ~ So of course I'm not ecstatic but I am not horribly distraught or discouraged... let me bring you up to date since I haven't blogged in a few days.


Saturday My husband and I attended a P.R.I.D.E. class in Austin ~ that's about 3 hours from us... this training included a pot luck lunch, and pizza for dinner, I was GOOD!!! I brought my little cooler, lunch I had a 3 oz piece of steak, cucumbers, and an orange, dinner I had a boiled egg, an apple, and some mixed greens but just a pinch of those I felt funny nibbling on pieces of lettuce in front of everyone while the devoured their gooey cheesy meat covered pizza :P I also drank... 3 liters of water!!! Joseph had to stop 4 times on the way to Austin for me to well... you know :D Sometime that evening @ the event I swear I was doing a remake of aliens there was about 30 minutes left of the training and I thought I was going into labor and that some alien life form was about to rip me a new one, I some how manage to hold on for dear life with no one noticing my death grip fist clenching every time I had a cramp.. why didn't I go? because brilliant me likes to sit in front everywhere, and the way they had these tables set up ~ there was no room to move between other chairs once occupied. Boo! I finally made it to the bathroom and I'm just saying, It wasn't nice but praise God that I made it in time... what came out was probably compared to Wasabi sauce and lava ... I dunno, maybe I'm pooing out my fat? If so I should take stock in toilet paper :D because the clean up lady is gonna need to restock that stall.


Ha that's no shocker, I am pretty sure I flushed those 6 pounds back in Austin. Anyhow I failed to drink much water in the morning... because we had Sunday school & Church and I didn't want to have to pee every 30 minutes... so lunch was forced on myself - meaning I have no DESIRE to eat whatsoever ... I had a boiled egg for lunch, an orange no veggies..., then dinner I had 2 deli slices of Roast Beef and 2 or 3 slices of cucumbers and my apple... again this meal was literally forced. I may have drank 50 ounces of water... but not my goal :/ ~ ooohh and no poo @ all (probably none left from the night before)


Ut-oh this is where you see me do the on and off the scale dance... for a good 5 minutes, why in the world did I gain weight? I am pretty sure that was a 5 lb plus alien I gave birth to rectally Saturday eve, and I haven't had ANYTHING to eat really to speak of, but wait I have not pooed either... which makes me wonder if there is an apocalypse brewing in my colon... whatever it is I hope it doesn't have the same acid burning effects it did Saturday night - I do know that these foods are supposed to have chemical compounds that support eachother in the weight loss, and if I'm farting around trying to decide if I am going to eat or not cause I'm not hungry this could very well be an issue - I dunno hands up in there on this one! Any Input would be appreciated on to why I may have gained a little bit?

Here's looking to tomorrow and hoping that scale is gonna behave for me :D and show a 1 pound or 2 gone!

Mondays meal has been thus far...

Lunch -

boiled egg (1)

Dinner will be

3.5 chicken boneless skinless chicken breast
and either celery or cucumbers

it sucks I am a very picky eater... and only like certain things when they are dipped in ranch , peanut butter or cheese ...

I can't do seafood, I do very little veggies, I am good on the fruit!

Okie I am out, have a wonderful evening!!!


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