
Thursday, January 30, 2014

I Was Featured Woohoo!!

So as you know I use and sell Isagenix - 2 weeks ago I was contacted by a writer from Isagenix, she stated that she wanted to do an article on me for ISAFYI.com !!! What???? First thing that went through my mind was I haven't even reached my goal yet, there I go again sabotaging all the hard work I have done and the progress I have made argh, she asked me if I was interested of course I said YES!!!! So here it is!!!Today it was published Click here to read it! So dang tickled!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Food Addiction FAQ

I am amazed by this company, their products leave me speechless, I mean I can show and tell you how awesome they are but really their are no solid words aside phenomenal and that is not enough!! I am a good ways into my journey and if I was going to be accountable and I AM because I want to ensure that I help other with being real and true... I would be @ 200 lbs gone already yes 200 in under a year but I haven't been accountable through November and December and lost the same 20lbs three times!! I am laughing because it's stupid and I am sharing that because I hope someone learns from my mistake!! Man I ate my butt off in those 2 months on various occasions and celebrations and truth is you fill yourself back up with the chemicals that make you want more, or crave a certain product etc and there you are back in your same rut of poor choices, and you tell yourself "this day" I will start again etc... and well it doesn't happen for one piece of cheesecake or another ;) . It's all good now, I am back on track and I knew I would be I just had to get that monkey off my back... and keep him off. So one of my business partners asked me a few weeks ago was I ever addicted to food and a year ago I would have said no... but after this 2 month binge and seriously analyzing my eating habits over the years - Friends you don't get  200+ lbs overweight not having an issue with food consumption. So here is my breakdown...

When I was a teen I would hide food in my closet... I could blame it on emotional craziness but we are learning to be self accountable, I would make a can of biscuits and eat them... a can of icing YEAH, or a nice pot of white rice with salt and butter... my parents didn't have a lot of junk in the house so the above was the extent of my eating issues as a teen, however if we take it back further... when I was in elementary school my mom got sick... and I had to live with my Granny for my 4th grade year - crap I hate that I am writing this and know that picture is here somewhere in photo collection that would give you an idea of how much weight I gained... - I will have to pull it out and scan it to show you - I went from the average size big kid to 160 pounds at 9/10 years old. My granny was Czechoslovakian and we had tons of fruit and cream cheese filled kolaches, strudels, cookies, cakes and every meal was like a buffet - there was multiple choices for example breakfast @ 4am she would start cooking by 5am I would be woken to the smells of pork chops, pan cakes, french toast, bacon, sausage, coffee and whatever pastry she had cooking for the day... in my lunch box for school would be filled with portions of what was left over from various meals... and I would Eat! My fifth grade year I went home and a good percentage of that weight came off but I was still bigger than most kids on top of that my parents became controlling over what I ate in every aspect into those teen years which all I could think of when I am old enough to buy my own food and eat what I want... it's on and sure enough that day came...

As an adult I could do what I want as far food consumption, I inherited my Granny's ability to cook anything and everything, I remember being 18 driving thinking what do I want to eat and would stop at anywhere from 2 to 5 different places because I was indecisive and wanted it all.. I remember eating the last piece of (fill in the blank) could be fried chicken, cake, left overs whatever on various occasions not so much because I was hungry or wanted another piece it's because if I didn't someone else would and I would miss out and there would be no more???

So yes I was a food addict and could still easily be one... I am thankful that I have found a new passion in becoming healthy and finding better ways to prepare foods, If your ready for whatever reason I am committed to help you not only get started, but stay on track and reach your goals!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Christmas Eve and the New Year

Well Hello World!

It is still hard for me to wrap my head around how much weight I have lost!!! I used to hide from cameras, now I love taking photos with our children!! Here is one of me and my baby girl (she is almost 15) on Christmas eve 2013!

I still need to lose about another 110 lbs but WOW! How wonderful do I feel, words can not describe the way I feel mentally and emotionally... I am not ashamed to be caught on film, the mental butt kicking I used to give myself was incredible and thinking back on the times when someone who was a complete stranger would have something ugly to say about my physical state - if they only knew their words could never touch the self flogging I would give myself daily... If I told you our society had a weigh issue - it wouldn't be news. . . If I told you that I could help you - you may be very skeptical - Lord knows I was!!!! However I have a servants heart to help others - and knowing that what I am doing for myself has been a total overhaul for me - in every shape and form - it has become my passion to help others tackle a battle of obesity that seems to win - every time (ACCEPT THIS TIME) Yeah! This isn't about being skinny, or teaching someone a lesson, this isn't about wearing that little black dress on that special occasion (although it will be nice) This is about finding yourself !!!! I mean really finding who you are and who you are meant to be - weight especially an absurd amount is so toxic to us - and not just on a physical health level.... mental, emotional, who we are to ourselves and others, how we live and engage in life - I find myself accessorizing.. LOL not that I ever cared to before but I never owned anything but a pair of sneakers and flip flops.. let me tell you this girl right here, the inner me has found out she has a passion for shoes, bracelets, rings, glitter and shimmer and more - this could be bad... ;o) heck my ears have been pierced since I was 6 or so... I haven't worn earrings in years - and 2013 was the first time I had an inkling to want to put some on! I know this all seems trivial and you may be wondering what does it have to do with you??? What do you miss doing, something that kind of just fell to the wayside and stopped mattering for one reason or another - Dancing? Entertaining? Shopping? Outings? Vacationing? Family Gatherings? Photographs? Our weight is a huge factor... in who we are and what we allow ourselves to enjoy - Please feel free to contact me for a free consultation on how I can help you shed the weight and get healthy! Here is wishing you a fabulous year in 2014!!! May God Bless you and your family, may it be abundant!